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Help & SupportElectricity Concessions

Electricity Concessions

Tasmanian Electricity Concessions

There are concessions made available to eligible electricity customers living in Tasmania. You can find information about these below or head to the Government website via this link concessions

Life Support Concession

The life support concession is a daily discount to eligible customers who use an approved life support system or who live with someone who uses one in their primary place of residence.

The approved devices and current discounts per day are:

  • Oxygen concentrator - 128.445 cents
  • Peritoneal dialysis machine - 95.299 cents
  • Haemodialysis machine - 95.299 cents
  • Chronic positive pressure and airways regulator - 45.577 cents
  • Continuous positive airways pressure machine - 45.577 cents
  • Respirator (iron lung) - 169.878 cents
  • Combination oxygen concentrator and chronic positive pressure and airways regulator - 174.022 cents
  • Phototherapy machine - 242.049 cents
  • Left ventricular assist device - 45.577 cents
  • Nebuliser machine (mains powered only) - 12.881 cents

To apply, complete the Application Form and have it certified by your medical practitioner, then send it to info@solsticeenergy.com.au. If you haven’t done so already, you should also register your life support equipment with us.

You can find information about how to do this here. If you have any questions or need additional help, please send us an email to the address above or call 1800 750 750

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Energy Bill Relief Fund

The Tasmanian Government and the Australian Government are working together to help you save money on your energy bills. If you meet certain requirements, you can get $250 off your electricity bill each year for two years.

Who can get the rebate?

You can get the rebate if your name is on the electricity bill and you have one of these cards:

  • Services Australia Health Care Card (including Low Income Health Care Card)
  • Services Australia or Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) Pensioner Concession Card
  • Veteran Gold Card
  • Services Australia or DVA Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
  • Family Tax Benefit (FTB) A or B
  • Carer Allowance

How to apply:

  • Check if you have one of the cards listed above. 
  • Make sure you haven’t already received the funds from another retailer 
  • Contact us via email or phone at info@solsticeenergy.com.au or 1800 750 750, or fill in the form below

It's that easy! Get in touch and start saving money on your electricity bills.

Things to remember:

  • This offer is available from July 2023 to June 2025.
  • You can get $250 off your electricity bill each year for 2 years over 4 instalments.
  • You need to have one of the listed cards to be eligible.
  • Make sure you tell us if you have received some or all of the funds already so we don’t double up on payments (this might constitute fraud in some cases)!
Energy Bill Relief Concessions Form
Please select at least one

I authorise:

Solstice Energy Pty Ltd (SER) to use Centrelink Confirmation eServices to perform an enquiry of my Services Australia or Department of Veterans’ Affairs customer details and concession card status to enable SER to determine if I qualify, or continue to qualify, for the Energy Bill Relief Fund rebates.

Services Australia to provide the results of that enquiry to SER.

The Australian Department of Immigration and Border Security and the Tasmanian Department of Premier and Cabinet to provide SER with any personal information relating to me that is relevant in determining if I qualify, or continue to qualify, for the Energy Bill Relief Fund rebates.

I understand that:

Services Australia, the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Security and the Tasmanian Department of Premier and Cabinet will use information I have provided to SER to confirm my eligibility for the Energy Bill Relief Fund rebates and will disclose personal information to SER including my name/address/payment type/payment status and concession card type and status to confirm my eligibility.

This consent, remains valid while I am a customer of SER unless I withdraw it by contacting them.

If I withdraw my consent or do not alternatively provide proof of my circumstances/details, I may not be eligible for the Energy Bill Relief Fund rebates provided by SER.

Energy Bill Relief Rebate for Small Businesses

The Tasmanian Government has partnered with the Commonwealth Government to provide eligible small businesses with $650 of targeted electricity bill rebates over one year. The first rebate will be applied in the September quarter of 2023 and the June quarter of 2024.

To be eligible, a business must be on a business tariff, and the business’s annual electricity consumption must be less than 150MWh.

How to apply:

  • Make sure you haven’t already received the funds from another retailer 
  • Contact us via email or phone at info@solsticeenergy.com.au or 1800 750 750 

Medical Cooling or Heating Concession

The medical cooling or heating concession is a daily discount to eligible customers who have, or who live with a person who has, a medical condition that requires the cooling or heating of their primary place of residence to manage that medical condition.

The current concession is 51.906 cents per day.

You must have:

  • a Services Australia or DVA Pensioner Concession Card, or
  • a Services Australia Health Care Card.

To apply, complete this Application Form have it certified by your medical practitioner then submit it to info@solsticeenergy.com.au

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Annual Electricity Concession

The annual electricity concession provides a daily discount to eligible customers as a cents per day rate. The current concession is 173.296 cents per day.

Eligible cards are:

  • Services Australia or DVA Pensioner Concession Card
  • Services Australia Health Care Card
  • ImmiCard (Bridging Visa E)
  • Tasmanian Concession Card

To apply, complete this Application Form then submit it to info@solsticeenergy.com.au or complete the online form below.

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Annual Electricity Concessions Form
Please select at least one

I authorise:

Solstice Energy and the Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance (State Revenue Office) to use Centrelink Confirmation eServices to perform a Centrelink/DVA enquiry of my Centrelink or Department of Veterans’ Affairs Customer details and concession card status in order to enable Solstice Energy and the Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance (State Revenue Office) to determine if I qualify, or continue to qualify for the Annual Electricity Concession.

Service Australia (the agency) to provide the results of that enquiry to Solstice Energy and the Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance (State Revenue Office).

The Australian Department of Immigration and Border Security and the Tasmanian Department of Premier and Cabinet to provide Solstice Energy and the Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance (State Revenue Office) with any personal information relating to me that is relevant in determining if I qualify, or continue to qualify for the Annual Electricity Concession.

I understand that:

Service Australia (the agency), the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Security and the Tasmanian Department of Premier and Cabinet will use information I have provided to Solstice Energy and the Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance (State Revenue Office) to confirm my eligibility for Annual Electricity Concession and will disclose to Solstice Energy and the Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance (State Revenue Office) personal information including my name, address, payment and concession card type and status.

This consent, once signed, remains valid while I am a customer of Solstice Energy unless I withdraw it by contacting them or the applicable department.

I can obtain proof of my circumstances/details from the applicable department and provide it to Solstice Energy and the Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance (State Revenue Office) so that my eligibility for the Annual Electricity Concession can be determined.

If I withdraw my consent or do not alternatively provide proof of my circumstances/details, I may not be eligible for the Annual Electricity Concession provided by Solstice Energy and the Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance (State Revenue Office).

Privacy and Credit Reporting

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Need a little more help?

We’re here to help if you need us, send us an email at info@solsticeenergy.com.au or give us a call on 1800 750 750.

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