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Help Centre

What if I can’t pay my bill?

We’re here to help.

We understand our customers sometimes have trouble paying their energy bills.

No judgment, just a great range of options to help to get you back on track.

The easiest way is to call and speak with one of our friendly service team on 1800 750 750.

But, if you’re not comfortable speaking to us, you can also;

  • email us at info@solsticeenergy.com.au;
  • chat online at www.solsticeenergy.com.au; or
  • if you just need a bit more time, request a payment extension via our website.

More information is also available here:

Customer Payment Support

How can I pay my bill?

Easy! Just choose one of the options below...

Through the MySolstice Customer App or Portal

You can pay a bill or set up a direct debit in the MySolstice Customer App or Portal.

Direct Debit

Perhaps the easiest bill payment option ever invented! Set it up now and never think about it again!

You can choose to pay monthly, fortnightly or simply the full amount of the bill on the due date.


Use your internet banking to pay your bills or set up regular payments.

BPay biller code:120246

BPay reference number: this is listed in the How to Pay section of your bill

Credit Card

Have your Visa or Mastercard ready and

Click here, or

Call us on 1300 313 346.

Job done!

In Person

Love your local Australia Post office?

Show them your bill and pay with cash or EFTPOS.

Can I get my statement electronically?

Of course! Get in touch and we’ll sort it out in no time.

Request E-Statements

How do I disconnect?

Moving out or just moving on? We’re sorry to see you go.

There are some important details that we need to know to make sure it all goes smoothly.

Please contact us and we’ll start the process.


How can I save energy (as well as some money)?

Here are our top ten tips for saving energy and saving you money!

  • Insulate your house and stop drafts coming through windows and doors.
  • Use a thermostat and set a maximum temperature of 20 degrees on all your heating appliances.
  • Reduce the temperature of your hot water. Even 1 or 2 degrees will help.
  • Only heat the rooms you are going to use.
  • Make sure all your appliances are up to date, serviced and operating efficiently.
  • Wash your clothes in cold water.
  • Limit the baths you take and have shorter showers.
  • If you're using gas, check the flame is blue. If it’s yellow, get it checked.
  • Repair dripping hot water taps and use water saving shower heads.
  • Only install outdoor heaters in sheltered areas.

What about safety?

Gas has been used in Tasmania for over 20 years. Its use is well regulated, and incidents are rare.

However, there are important things to remember whenever you’re using gas.

  • If you smell gas, trust your instincts and don’t ignore it, call Gas Emergencies on 1802 111.
  • We strongly recommend you only use licensed gas fitters for all installation, servicing, maintenance and removal of gas appliances.

For a list of Solstice preferred gas fitters please get in touch.

  • Always make sure rooms are well ventilated. Gas is lighter than air and if there is a leak it will normally dissipate through natural ventilation.
  • Don’t use appliances designed for the outdoors inside your house.
  • Don’t remove safety devices or guards from appliances.
  • Make sure your appliances are regularly cleaned and any waste is removed.
  • Don’t use flueless appliances in confined, poorly ventilated areas.
Gas Emergency Info

Understanding Tariffs

The range of tariffs reflects the characteristics of different types of customers, the demands that their energy use places on the network and the typical costs of serving those customers. These are determined by Tas Networks and vary based on the meter configuration at each property.

The residential Tariffs we support are

Time of Use (TAS93)

This tariff has 2 rates of usage charges Peak and Off-peak to try and encourage less use during peak time to reduce demand on the network. This is reflected in the price being high during peak times and lower in off-peak.

  • Peak is 07:00 – 10:00 and 16:00 – 21:00 weekdays
  • Off-peak is between 21:00 – 07:00 and 10:00 – 16:00 weekdays and all day on weekends

Anytime (TAS31)

The anytime tariff means no matter what time of day you use energy you are charged the same rate.

Heating and hot water (TAS41)

This tariff is for water heating and/or residential space heating and/or domestic indoor pool heating that meet special requirements and like the anytime it doesn't matter what time the heater is running.

Controlled load 1 (TAS61)

This tariff is forstorage water heating and/or residential space heating and/or other “wired in” appliances as approved by TasNetworks; and/or heating swimming pools, including those that incorporate a spa, but not separate spas from which the water goes to waste after use. This tariff is like the time of use tariff but energy is only made available at specific times

  • at least nine hours between 20:00 and 07:00 the following day; and
  • a further two hours between 13:00 and 16:30.

Controlled load 2 (TAS63)

This tariff is very similar to controlled load 1 and is for storage water heating and/or residential space heating and/or other circuits as approved by TasNetworks; and heating swimming pools, including those that incorporate a spa, but not separate spas from which the water goes to waste after use. Energy to installations connected on this network tariff will only be available between 22:00 hours and 07:00 hours the following day.

Solar feed-in (TASX4I)

This network tariff applies to the export of energy by residential installations into the distribution system.

To be eligible for the TASX4I network tariff, customers’ embedded generation systems are required to comply with Australian Standard AS4777 and have a maximum generating capacity of 10 kW for a single-phase system or 30 kW for a three-phase system.

The small to medium size enterprise tariffs are

Time of use (TAS94)

This tariff has 3 rates of usage charges Peak, Shoulder and Off-peak to try and encourage less use during peak times to reduce demand on the network. This is reflected in the price being higher during peak and shoulder times and lower during off-peak. All times are in AEST.

Weekdays (Mon-Fri)

  • Peak - 07:00 - 10:00 & 16:00 - 21:00
  • Shoulder - 10:00 - 16:00
  • Off-Peak - 21:00 - 0700


  • Off-Peak - all day

Anytime (TAS22)

The anytime tariff means no matter what time of day you use energy you are charged the same rate.

Solar feed-in (TASX5I)

This network tariff applies to the export of energy by residential installations into the distribution system.

To be eligible for the TASX5I network tariff, customers’ embedded generation systems are required to comply with Australian Standard AS4777 and have a maximum generating capacity of 10 kW for a single-phase system or 30 kW for a three-phase system.


The residential heating & hot water along with the controlled load tariff's can also be used with the business Tariffs above.

These time periods are in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).

Please note tariff 31, 41, 61 and 22 are now obsolete. Customers with one (or a combination) of these tariffs can retain these tariff structures, however if your connection is already on Tariff 93 or 94 as of 1 July 2024, you will be unable to change your tariff to any of the obsolete tariffs. These obsolete tariffs are also not available for any new connections from 1 July 2024.

If you have any other questions regarding tariffs please reach out via the link below

Don’t want to hear from us anymore?

That’s ok, we can all get tired of spending too much time together. To be placed on our no contact list just send an email to info@solsticeenergy.com.au

Power off at the property you’re moving into?

Sometimes the energy can be turned off at a premises from time to time, if this is the case and you’re looking to get it turned back on it can take up to 3 business days but in most cases is completed in 1 business day.

Haven't found what you're looking for?

For more helpful links, see below

Payment Methods

To see how you can pay your bill

Click here

Update your details

To update your contact information or opt-out of marketing

Click here

Direct Debit

To set up a direct debit

Click here